About Rozanne's ReadingsRozanne's readings are said to be not only very accurate but insightful. You can expect to walk away not only satisfied but imbued with new insights which most likely have eluded you before. Whether you are getting an in-person reading, a phone reading, or even a group reading, you won't be disappointed with your experience. If you never had a reading before you will be pleasantly surprised and if you have had your cards read in the past you will instantly recognize the quality of Rozanne's readings. You can read more about Rozanne and her methodology HERE.
What Can You Expect?Depending on the setting Rozanne may ask you some limited information like your name and birth date. Then Rozanne will proceed to read your cards or simply consult with your guides. She may have you select the cards yourself or simply ask you if there is anything in particular that you would like to know.
Group settings will be set up a bit different and the reading methods will differ depending on who is participating and the logistics of the setting. Still expect to be enlightened and entertained as most people will walk away with a new appreciation for their life and for the insight of a really gifted psychic medium.