ROZANNE IS ONE OF HOUSTON'S TOP PROFESSIONAL PSYCHICS!![]() Rozanne is a Professional Psychic located in Houston, Texas area. She has read Tarot Cards for local clients and done Psychic Readings for people around the world. Schedule a Phone Reading or Private Reading with Rozanne and find out why so many people look to her as one of the Best Psychic Readers in Houston, TX. Also take a look at booking her for an event or take one of her classes.
CALL NOW & BOOK A READING!(832) 304-3918Ever Have Unexplained Experiences?You'd be surprised as to how many people across the globe have had unexplained events happen to them. Odd coincidences, premonitions, gut feelings, strange sightings, moving shadows, missing name it. At one point or another most people have experienced something strange in their life. Most people brush these experiences off as a bi-product of their imagination or they just label it as a coincidence, unless of course they have seen 'The Secret'. In truth most people are afraid to bring them up to others as they don't want to sound crazy. The reality is that these things are very, very common both here in Houston and around the world.
Have You Had a Loved One Pass?Losing someone is never easy but the love you feel for them is never lost and our loved ones want you to know that they are okay. They may give you signs, or come in a dream, or if you are really gifted Psychic Medium like Rozanne you may even see them and hear them on occasion. Psychic Readings with those who have passed can be comforting for both you and the one you lost.
While the communication is now different, the connection is always there it's just most of us aren't very skilled at using the new channel (kind of like the new iphone!). This is why you need a clairvoyant like Rozanne who is both skilled and experienced in this type of communication. If you live in Houston Texas or the surrounding areas then do yourself a favor and schedule Rozanne to read the tarot cards for you. You will be glad you did. What Types of Psychic Services Are There?There are many different types of Spiritual Services available. Different psychic readers use different types of methods to communicate like Tarot Cards, Palm Reading(Palmistry), Crystal Readings, Love Spells, Money Spells, Runes, Numerology, Dream and Symbol Interpretation, Astrology, Tea Leaves, Reading Auras, and other ancient methods depending on their training and natural gifts.
The methods listed are tools the medium is using to open their intuition and get a connection with those that have passed and those that help guide. The particular method is only as effective as the psychic medium using them. Like a good plumber or roofer, you want a psychic Houston agrees has a good reputation and has the right experience so they can actually do the job you hire them for. Rozanne's Psychic Services
Concerned About Your Health, Wealth, or Love Life?Rozanne also uses her clairvoyant abilities to help every day people locally and around the world to deepen their understanding about their Relationships, Work, Money, Health, and Happiness. Every reading is different and having a gifted psychic medium like Rozanne can help individuals who may be experiencing difficulties to understand their deeper role in this life. Sometimes modern problems actually are a manifestation of something from a past life. Other times it may be understanding the importance of letting go of toxic people who they may have an energetic tie with or simply to change their environment.
Personal Meditation Coaching is also something that can help those who may feel down, unsure, stressed, or for those people who are simply more curious about developing their own intuition and personal power. At a Crossroads? Not Sure Which Way to Go or What to Do Next? Most of the time people will seek out guidance in not only a time of crisis but in a time of decision. Have you come upon a crossroads? Are you facing something and you know you need to make a decision but you need more information? Do you feel like something is stopping you from achieving the things in live you really want?
It may have to do with your relationships, your health, a love interest, your career, money, or any number of things. Sure everyone deals with questions, decisions, and doubts daily but sometimes it helps to get clarity and confirmation. Find out what really is preventing you from getting the things in you life that will truly make you happy. You don't need a Love Spell or Money Spell, you need true understanding and you can get that from good psychic readings. Palm readings, psychic readings, energy readings from an intuitive Psychic can all really help you on your path especially when you are at those crucial decision points and you just don't know which way to go. |
SCHEDULE A READINGHave You Ever Wondered if You Might Be Psychic?Do you sometimes know things that other people people don't? Have you ever had a premonition that has come true? Has this happened more than once? Do you sense things that most people can't see? Perhaps you can sense other peoples emotions and know what they are thinking just by bringing them into your mind...
Perhaps you've wondered to yourself 'am I psychic? Or, 'do I have what it takes to be a good psychic reader?' Have you ever seen something you can't explain like a ghost, orb, energy, or other type of being? Do you ever see the energy fields of the people around you? If you have had any of these or similar experiences there is a strong chance that you have psychic abilities. Learn to Develop your natural clairvoyant abilities and Find Out what they mean and why you have them. Learn how to read palms. Learn how to read tarot cards. Learn the real power behind 'The Secret', money spells, love spells, and reading palms. (That power is YOU) Talk to Rozanne about one of her upcoming Houston Psychic Development Classes. You might be amazed at what you are capable of. Curious If You Have Had Past Lives?In many cultures it is a very well established belief that many of us have been here before in a Past Life. In Buddhism it is called Reincarnation and it is said that a being can reincarnate many many times as many different types of beings (not just human). Alien abductions might not be so alien after all!
While this belief is not as prevalent here in the West, there have been many scientifically documented cases of people remembering remarkable details of the lives of people from the past that they could not have possibly know. Sometimes certain experiences, places, or people can trigger these Past Life Memories and if you have never really been exposed to the concept of Past Lives or Reincarnation then it can be difficult to grasp what you are feeling, thinking, and sometimes seeing. Past lives can be very important for you as many times it take many life times to learn certain things. After all life is complicated and when you add more lifetimes on top of that it can be mind boggling. In fact many people when going through a Past Life Regression will often remember other people who are in their lives now as being around them in their former life only these people were different themselves back then. Many souls it is said choose to reincarnate together time and again to help each other learn and evolve through each lifetime. Sometimes this is referred to as 'Soul Groups'. When a Love interest is involved this is of course where the term 'Soul Mate' came from. Many of the circumstances in your life today may very well be the result of the lessons that you chose to carry over from a previous life so you could work on them here in this one. Find out exactly how your past lives are affecting you today. Schedule a Reading with Rozanne and get started on your path of Past Lives Self Discovery. SCHEDULE A PAST LIVES READING TODAY!(832) 304-3918What Are Your Dreams Telling You?One of the ways which not only our subconscious minds communicates with us but also our Spirit Guides and Loved Ones who have passed on communicate with us is through our dreams.
Dream interpretation can be very important to decipher the messages that those on the other side are trying to give to us. The problem with this type of communication is that the communication often has multiple meanings and can be interpreted many different ways as the messages are from a different plane of existence where thoughts, energy, and symbols are a part of everything there. So in essence these impressions, images, symbols, and messages are from a higher plane of existence and they carry multiple answers within each. This is why it's important to do a reading with someone who is familiar with Dream Symbolism and Interpretation. Rozanne's Satisfied Client! |
(832) 304-3918
We all dream. Some of us remember our dreams, while others don’t. But we all do dream. Many times, if we remember our dreams, they make no sense to us because of the symbols present in them. What does a bird swing a baseball bat mean? Dream interpretation books are a dime a dozen. However, I find that many of them are incomplete in their analysis and how they interpret the symbolism of a dream leaves it open to too many different meanings. In my class, I teach you to interpret your own dreams using the symbols that make the most sense to you. In order to do this, you will need to begin with a journal. Writing a dream journal has several practical applications. First, it provides a means to track how well you are remembering your dreams. Second, it gives you an insight into your own personal symbolism and third, it provides a record that you can refer back to after events have happened in your life. For example, many people dream of snakes. (The symbolism is so vast with snakes that we could write a complete book on just that one!) A snake can mean danger. It can also mean wisdom, caution or enlightenment. It may be something you fear, or it may bring knowledge and information. It may show you your power. Whatever the interpretation is, the best way to understand what a symbol in your dreams means to you is to follow these steps: First, write down what the dream is in your journal in as much detail as you can. Remember the colors, sights and sounds in your dream. Did you touch anything? What clothes do you have on? Are you even a human in the dream? These are the types of things to write down so you can review them later. Second, refer back to your journal every few days. The reason to do this is that once the event occurs in your life, you will be able to see what the dream was trying to communicate to you. Also, the symbols take on a new meaning once the actual event has occurred. Remember, our dreams are there to give us insight that many times we can’t get when awake. If you consistently dream of a snake prior to your boss chewing you out, you might want to consider the correlation! As you get better and better at understanding your personal symbols, you will be able to more fully understand what your angels, guides and subconscious (read that Higher Self) are telling you in your dreams. You then have the ability to “predict” with a close certainty what the dreams you have are telling you. There is a quick three step process that can have you remembering your dreams in no time! Contact me at the email on this website and I’ll give them to you. It will take a little time, but soon you’ll be able to remember every one! Sweet Dreams! |
Or Email Rozanne at [email protected]Here's More Info
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What is out “natural state”? And why is it so hard to achieve and maintain it?
Our natural state is being in touch with the Universal Energy. Call it God, the Divine, the Goddess – it doesn’t matter. Living in harmony with our Creator and Universal Laws is our natural state. Yet, many of us strive for but fail to achieve this state of peace and prosperity. Why?
There are several reasons why we can’t seem to achieve what we want. We may be too bogged down in daily living. We may have too much on our minds to effectively meditate, or don’t have enough time. Perhaps we haven’t made the commitment to our soul’s development that we should in order to achieve this state of consciousness. Or maybe we were born listening to our Higher Self, but just don’t know how to work with the “equipment” that we have in order to maximize our abilities.
First and foremost, living in harmony with Universal Laws means that we don’t always get our way. Even though we may correctly manifest something, if we are asking for less than our highest and best good, sometimes it won’t manifest. I say sometimes because if we put enough energy into whatever we’re trying to manifest, it will occur. You’ll be exhausted afterwards, but it will manifest. However, true manifestation is easy and gentle, so if you’re becoming overwhelmed by putting such energy into your manifestation, isn’t it time that you revisit it to see why it may not be correct for you?
Second, living in our natural state takes practice. That means a commitment of time to work and become familiar with how to use energy to raise your vibration. As you raise your vibration, Universal Laws become easier to access and work with.
Third, and this is key, even though many of us have psychic abilities, we need to work on our spiritual side. My spiritual teacher, Elizabeth Stanley, always said, “You can be psychic without being spiritual, and spiritual without being psychic. The key is to be both.” Developing your spirituality as well as your psychic abilities will assist your development in raising your vibration. The two work hand in hand. If you’ve ever seen someone who is very psychic, but not necessarily a nice person, then you know what I mean! Being devoted to anything spiritually helps to move faster on our pathway. I’m not saying that you need religion and ritual, although those are fine if you so feel them. The key is to search for your spiritual truth and find it because once you do, you’ll be moving faster in the right direction than ever before!
Understand that working with Universal Law is neither difficult nor tedious. It just takes the commitment and time to do what is necessary to get there. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, but through consistent work, the Eternal City became the center of a great empire. As you develop your spiritual basis and you psychic abilities, you’ll begin to see the results you desire!
For more information on developing and working with your own psychic abilities, consider taking my introductory class, Contact Rozanne Today!
Anyone can read tarot cards. Really! All you have to do is to purchase a deck of cards, memorize their meanings from the accompanying booklet and learn the spreads. Voila! You’re a card reader!
But, we all know, that doing a very accurate tarot card reading is the goal of most readers. Even those that read cards only for themselves desire accurate and insightful readings. So, how do we improve the accuracy of our readings, either for ourselves or others?
Intuitive card reading is the way!
What I mean by that is not just reading the meanings of the cards, but obtaining information from the Other Side as well. Most good readers read this way naturally. But what if you’re just beginning? How do you begin to use your intuition to read whatever cards you have?
First, it takes a commitment to self-development. Without working on raising your vibration by attuning yourself to higher energies, you will be stuck with just what you’ve read in a book.
How do you raise your vibration? By bringing energy into your aura and thereby into the physical plane. When we add energy to ourselves, just like adding energy to atoms, we vibrate at a higher level. But, in order to keep our vibration raised, we need to keep adding energy to ourselves. We do this through meditation and by maintaining the level of vibration that we have achieved.
How do we maintain our vibrational level? By working within the level we’ve achieved. While I know that may sound a bit ambiguous, it really is very simple. When you are in a higher vibrational level than before, you will feel differently and act differently than before. How? What you might have done before will suddenly feel out of place to you. For example, if you have been quick to anger, a higher vibration will both lessen your temper as well as increase the time in which it takes you to anger. Most importantly, thought, will be the feeling of uneasiness that either accompanies or follows your action. You will know, in your gut, that what you did feels uncomfortable, to say the least. That is how you realize, on a conscious level, that you’ve raised your vibration from where it was.
Second, we need to work with our Chakras to learn to open and close them at will. While this may sound simplistic, it’s really quite important. Many individuals know about our energy centers, but most haven’t realized the control they have over them or how to use them properly. Many are self-taught through books, some may be taught through seminars. I have not run up against many who know specifically how to work with these energy vortices at will. Most people, especially empaths, run around with their Chakras wide open all of the time. That makes for quite a mish-mash of other people’s energy junk coming through your body. Not necessarily something that I’d prefer!
Third, we need to establish communication with our Higher Self, guides and angels in order to obtain information not readily accessible on this side. Clear hearing (clairaudience), clear seeing (clairvoyance) or clear feeling (clairsentience or Clair essence) or any combination of these may be used in discourse with our Higher Self, angels and guides. The important thing to remember is that a clear channel is key to obtaining the intuitive information desired in order to read intuitively.
Once we have developed ourselves enough to enable us to not only look at a card, understand its meaning on this plane and to obtain other intuitive information associated with both the card and its position in the spread, we begin the process of intuitive reading. I have found that many time, my intuition will enable me to provide information that the cards alone did not show. For example, time frames are very difficult to ascertain during a reading. Many times the cards don’t indicate when something will occur. By accessing my intuitive energies, I can obtain time frames for my clients.
Once you begin to develop your intuitive powers and choose to use them to read for yourself or for others, there will be no end to the wonders of what the Universe has to offer!
But, we all know, that doing a very accurate tarot card reading is the goal of most readers. Even those that read cards only for themselves desire accurate and insightful readings. So, how do we improve the accuracy of our readings, either for ourselves or others?
Intuitive card reading is the way!
What I mean by that is not just reading the meanings of the cards, but obtaining information from the Other Side as well. Most good readers read this way naturally. But what if you’re just beginning? How do you begin to use your intuition to read whatever cards you have?
First, it takes a commitment to self-development. Without working on raising your vibration by attuning yourself to higher energies, you will be stuck with just what you’ve read in a book.
How do you raise your vibration? By bringing energy into your aura and thereby into the physical plane. When we add energy to ourselves, just like adding energy to atoms, we vibrate at a higher level. But, in order to keep our vibration raised, we need to keep adding energy to ourselves. We do this through meditation and by maintaining the level of vibration that we have achieved.
How do we maintain our vibrational level? By working within the level we’ve achieved. While I know that may sound a bit ambiguous, it really is very simple. When you are in a higher vibrational level than before, you will feel differently and act differently than before. How? What you might have done before will suddenly feel out of place to you. For example, if you have been quick to anger, a higher vibration will both lessen your temper as well as increase the time in which it takes you to anger. Most importantly, thought, will be the feeling of uneasiness that either accompanies or follows your action. You will know, in your gut, that what you did feels uncomfortable, to say the least. That is how you realize, on a conscious level, that you’ve raised your vibration from where it was.
Second, we need to work with our Chakras to learn to open and close them at will. While this may sound simplistic, it’s really quite important. Many individuals know about our energy centers, but most haven’t realized the control they have over them or how to use them properly. Many are self-taught through books, some may be taught through seminars. I have not run up against many who know specifically how to work with these energy vortices at will. Most people, especially empaths, run around with their Chakras wide open all of the time. That makes for quite a mish-mash of other people’s energy junk coming through your body. Not necessarily something that I’d prefer!
Third, we need to establish communication with our Higher Self, guides and angels in order to obtain information not readily accessible on this side. Clear hearing (clairaudience), clear seeing (clairvoyance) or clear feeling (clairsentience or Clair essence) or any combination of these may be used in discourse with our Higher Self, angels and guides. The important thing to remember is that a clear channel is key to obtaining the intuitive information desired in order to read intuitively.
Once we have developed ourselves enough to enable us to not only look at a card, understand its meaning on this plane and to obtain other intuitive information associated with both the card and its position in the spread, we begin the process of intuitive reading. I have found that many time, my intuition will enable me to provide information that the cards alone did not show. For example, time frames are very difficult to ascertain during a reading. Many times the cards don’t indicate when something will occur. By accessing my intuitive energies, I can obtain time frames for my clients.
Once you begin to develop your intuitive powers and choose to use them to read for yourself or for others, there will be no end to the wonders of what the Universe has to offer!